Les salaries de cette filiale d’Eurest au Qatar licencie ses salariés selon la loi qatarie, que vont-ils devenir ?
Des salariés à dispositions sans être payés ?
Voici le courrier qu’ont reçu les salariés de Compass Catering Services au Qatar. Cette entreprise est une filiale du groupe français EUREST. En attendant de retrouver un éventuel travail qui va les payer ? Combien de temps cela peut durer ?
« Further to our recent discussions and contract demobilization plan, we are writing to confirm that your current position will become surplus, hence your employment with Compass Catering Services W. L. L. is terminated under the article 49 of Qatar labor law effective 30th April 2015. This is no way reflects your performance in your job, which has been entirely satisfactory and excellent. Meanwhile, we are reviewing our operational requirements in Compass at Middle East region including Qatar, UAE, and will be pleased to transfer you in mutually agreeable terms and conditions in case if your service is required. In no circumstances NOC will be issued to join other operators as we are prioritizing to fill out vacancies internally.
Hence we regret to inform you that effective 02th April 2015, your employment with Compass Catering Services W. L. L is ended. The effective date of you notice period is 02th April 2015 and your notice period therefore lasts until 02th May 2015. Your last working day is 30th April 2015.
Your final settlement payment will include your salary hope to your last day of notice period, holiday accrued but not taken as of your leaving date, your and of service gratuity and you will be provided with an exit ticket to your point of hire in case you decide to go back to your home country.
NB Entitlement on end of service gratuity is applicable only from 1th January 2015 as Qatar Law.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution in our business and wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. Please sign below to indicate your acceptance of the above by ticking in the box for confirmation of your interest and return the same to HR department within 3 days from the date of this letter for our further action.
Affaire à suivre.